Review Process and Policy

ELP (Journal of English Language Pedagogy) follows a double-blind system for peer-review, both authors' and reviewers' identities will remain anonymous to each other to avoid bias and conflicts of interest. The manuscript will be peer-reviewed by two experts; one reviewer from outside and one editor from the journal typically involve in reviewing a submission. The review process will take about two to three months.

Before sending to the reviewers, all ELP (Journal of English Language Pedagogy) manuscripts are previewed by our editor-in-chief. The manuscripts will be evaluated whether they are in accordance with the focus and scope of ELP Journal. The Manuscripts that are not in accordance will be rejected, but if an adjustment is a possibility the authors may be requested to revise. The manuscripts are also checked for their originality using the Turnitin software.

ELP (Journal of English language Pedagogy) reviewers are requested to evaluate the articles based on several evaluative criteria available in the review from including the clarity, quality, thoroughness, relevance, significance, and soundness of the works. Reviewers are expected to leave comments in the manuscript itself and the review form. These comments are very valuable for the professional development of any authors and will help them improve their work.

Having reviewed the paper, the reviewer is requested to make any of the following decisions:

  • Accept without Any Changes (acceptance
  • Accept with Minor Revision (acceptance)
  •  Accept after Major Revision (conditional acceptance)
  • Resubmit Manuscript (conditional rejection)
  • Decline Submission (rejection)

The Editor has the right to decide which manuscripts submitted to ELP Journal should be published.