The Penertiban Penjualan Rokok Tanpa Cukai Di Wilayah Polres Solok Arosuka Skripsi
Penertiban Penjualan Rokok Tanpa Cukai Di Wilayah Polres Solok Arosuka
Control, Cigarettes, CustomsAbstract
Conducted control by Solok Arosuka Police Investigators, many retail traders were still selling cigarettes without customs duty. Of course, what happened could violate the provisions regarding excisable goods as regulated in Article 54 of Law Number 39 of 2007 concerning Excise. The problem in this research is what are the actions of the Solok Arosuka Police in controlling the sale of cigarettes without customs duty in Solok Regency? and what are the obstacles to the Solok Arosuka Police in carrying out control over cigarettes without customs duties in Solok Regency? The research method used by the researcher, namely sociological juridical, is a legal research method which functions to see the law in real terms and examine how the law works in society. The data collection technique used by the researcher is by interviewing members of unit 3 of the Solok Arosuka Police Criminal Investigation Unit, in addition to with interviews, researchers also used primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Based on the results of research, the actions carried out by the Solok Arosuka Police in controlling the sale of cigarettes without customs duty in Solok Regency are preventive and repressive actions. The obstacles led by the Solok Arosuka Police in controlling the sale of cigarettes without duty in Solok Regency are the location of the area which is quite large, the lack of awareness of illegal cigarettes, and the lack of supervision and public action carried out by the authorities related to regulations against illegal cigarettes.
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