Pelaksanaan Penghapusan Barang Milik Daerah
This research was motivated by the implementation of the elimination of regional property for items that were not found at the Solok City Regional Secretariat, which is a phenomenon for which there is no regulation in the Solok City Regional Regulations. The items that were not found are related to the administration carried out by the goods management of the Solok City Regional Secretariat. The formulation of the problem discussed in this research is how to implement the process of eliminating regional property for items that are not found in the General Section of the Solok City Regional Secretariat and what are the obstacles to eliminating regional property for items that are not found in the General Section of the Solok City Regional Secretariat. This research is included in sociological juridical legal research, the type of research used in this research is field research. Field research is research carried out intensively, in detail and in depth on certain objects which requires a comprehensive and thorough analysis. Apart from using field research, researchers also conducted research supported by literature review. Meanwhile, data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation methods. Based on the research that has been carried out, the results can be obtained that the removal of Regional Property of Goods Not Found by the General Section of the Solok City Regional Secretariat has not been carried out in accordance with Minister of Finance Regulation Number 83/PMK.06/2016 of 2016. The obstacle is that there are no Regional Regulations regarding the unfound regional property. The main obstacles that hinder this are incomplete documents and the lack of clarity regarding the physical items proposed to be written off as items not found, lack of human resources in understanding the technicalities of deletion. So asset management activities at the Solok City Regional Secretariat, which is managed under the General Department, have many problems in administering the assets themselves, this is because asset management is not only at the Regional Secretariat but at official residences and positions which are beyond the reach of the asset manager, in this case as Property Manager.
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