Penataan Ruang Kawasan Nagari Dalam Rangka Mengoptimalkan Pariwisata Di Provinsi Sumatera Barat


  • Eri Arianto



Spatial Planning


Regional development is one of the efforts to take advantage of all the potential of the area in supporting development activities. The potential of the area is the basic capital for the development of a community in improving its welfare. An area that is developed and developing is very much supported by the potential of the region. Based on the description above, it becomes a concrete reference that every spatial planning activity carried out by the West Sumatra Regional Government, always refers that all people's lives, including the economy, to build a just and prosperous society, it is necessary to take action to regulate the development of an integrated cultural area that is appropriate. with the regional spatial plan. Supporting and inhibiting factors that must be socialized to the community so that the development of integrated areas according to the regional spatial plan can be applied properly, namely socializing the factors of understanding legal substance, institutional structure, culture of local wisdom, community knowledge, facilities and infrastructure available for community members know and understand the application in the regulation of regional spatial planning in a region of West Sumatra, which directly or indirectly contributes greatly in participating in developing regional spatial plans in its territory. This research was conducted in Harau Kanagarian, 50 Kota Regency and South Tiku Nagari, Agam Regency.


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