Penyelesaian Sengketa Medik Oleh Komite Etik Dan Hukum Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Arosuka
Medical Disputes, Ethics and Law CommitteeAbstract
This research aims to knowing the resolution of medical disputes by the Ethics and Law Committee at the Arosuka Regional General Hospital. The type of research used is sociological juridical. The research was conducted by examining how to resolve medical disputes by the Ethics and Legal Committee at RSUD Arosuka. The data used were primary data obtained through interviews with members of the Ethics and Legal Committee at RSUD Arosuka and secondary data. Secondary data in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The data collected will be analyzed qualitatively so that it can provide answers to the problems studied. The process of resolving medical disputes at the Arosuka Regional Hospital is carried out by reviewing the request to classify the problem. Then the ethical and legal committee is also assisted by the medical committee and the nursing committee in determining whether the case is medical negligence, medical risk, default or ethical violation. Furthermore, disputes are resolved by way of deliberation, kinship through mediation. In resolving disputes by means of mediation, the Ethics and Legal Committee of Arosuka Hospital is still asking for help from outside the hospital. because no member of the ethics and law committee has the competence to become a mediator. So that the role of the ethics and hospital law committee has not been maximized in resolving disputes that occur.
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