Peranan Jaksa Pengacara Negara Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Perdata Nomor 10/Pdt.G/2017/Pn.Slk


  • Eri Arianto
  • Andri Andri Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin



Prosecutor, State Attorney, Dispute


The duties and authorities of the prosecutor in the criminal field are regulated in Article 30 paragraph 1 of the Prosecutor's Law. Then the prosecutor's authority in the civil sector is regulated in Article 30 paragraph 2 of the Prosecutor's Law which is a civil relationship between members of the public which is usually based on an agreement, the prosecutor can play a role in civil cases if the State or government becomes one of the parties and the prosecutor is given the power to representing the state, hereinafter referred to as the state attorney. UUPA regulates land registration which aims to provide legal certainty. Provisions regarding the obligation for the government to carry out land registration throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia are regulated in Article 19 of the LoGA. To implement the provisions of the LoGA, the Government has issued Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration. Problems regarding land registration often occur on ulayat land due to the absence of legal certainty over the ulayat land. One of the customary land disputes regarding ownership of land occurred in the Koto Panjang of Solok City, namely between the mamak head of the inheritance of the people and the local government of Solok City, namely regarding the land used as the office of the village head of Koto Long, said the head of the inheritance in her lawsuit against the local government of Solok City that the land belongs to her people but has only been certified by the local government with a usufructuary certificate. The local government of Solok City also explained that the land belongs to the Solok City government because the certificate of use rights owned by the government has been running for approximately 17 years. Solok for handling legal problems in the civil sector carried out by the State Attorney.


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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia


