Pemanfaatan Pestisida Nabati dalam Mendukung Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Nagari Sungai Janiah Kabupaten Solok
Organic, Paitan, Botanical PesticidesAbstract
Pesticides derived from plants or called botanical pesticides are an alternative pest control for plants that is environmentally friendly and supports organic farming. The use of botanical pesticides derived from paitan leaves and papaya leaves has been proven to have potential in controlling several pests on agricultural land. The application of the use of botanical pesticides from paitan leaves and papaya leaves in society is still not implemented optimally because people still use a lot of artificial chemical pesticides. This community service activity for the Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, UMMY, aims to educate and increase the use of vegetable pesticides from paitan leaves and papaya leaves which are more environmentally friendly. This service activity was carried out in Nagari Sungai Janiah, Gunuang Talang District, Solok Regency. The methods used are socialization, practice and discussion. The results of community service activities through socialization, practice and discussion of the use of paitan leaf and papaya leaf botanical pesticides have a positive impact on the community. The community is very enthusiastic and interested in practices and discussions regarding the manufacture of botanical pesticides.
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