Edukasi Pengolahan Air Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Air Bersih sebagai Bentuk Pendekatan Sensitif Penurunan Kejadian Stunting Di Kota Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau
clean water, ecofilter, sensitive intervention, stuntingAbstract
The description of stunting in Tanjungpinang City based on data from the 2022 Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey, the prevalence of stunting in toddlers is 15.7%. Tanjungpinang Timur District is one of the Districts with quite high stunting children, namely 58 people in Air Raja Village, 100 people in Pinang Kencana Village and 65 people in Batu IX Village. The high number of stunted children in Tanjungpinang Timur District is because there are still some people who have not been able to access good quality drinking water and clean water. People in Batu IX Village use dug wells as a source of clean water, but physically the condition of the dug well water is cloudy, yellowish, smelly and some have a taste. The bauxite contained in the soil makes the groundwater content in Tanjungpinang City very easily contaminated by heavy metals such as iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn). Metal levels and poor physical conditions can be improved by using a water treatment system that aims to reduce natural organic and inorganic materials mixed in the water. The water treatment method offered here is Clean Water Filtration "Ecofilter" which is water filtration using filtration media that is easy and cheap to obtain around the community such as Beach Sand, Shells of Shellfish or marine animals, Activated Charcoal from Coconut Shells. Education about clean water treatment that is carried out is well received by housewives as participants, this is because the education is carried out with a demonstration of water treatment using purification media that is easy and cheap to obtain from the surrounding environment.
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