Pendampingan Pencegahan Stunting melalui Dashat (Dapur sehat Atasi Stunting) di Nagari Taruang-Taruang Kabupaten Solok
Mentoring, Dashat, StuntingAbstract
Stunting is a child growth and development disorder caused by a lack of nutritional intake that occurs since the womb. Stunting is a serious problem in many regions in Indonesia, especially in Solok Regency. The background of the implementation of this program is because cases of stunting increased in 2021, namely ± 40%. One of the stunting locations in Solok Regency is Nagari Taruang- Taruang, District IX Koto Sungai Lasi, Solok Regency. It is important to raise awareness of pregnant women about their health and nutrition during pregnancy and after childbirth during 1000 HPK to reduce stunting in pregnant women. Therefore, there should be guidance on stunting and on the importance of 1000 HPK for pregnant women. This activity was carried out in Nagari Taruang-Taruang, District IX Koto Sungai Lasi, Solok Regency. This activity was carried out in a structured manner with the cooperation partner Posyandu Jorong Sawah Jantan, Nagari Taruang-Taruang. The Training of Trainer (ToT) method was used to implement this activity. Posyandu cadres were trained on the role of DASHAT (Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting) in preventing stunting and the importance of nutritional intake at 1000 HPK and conducted cooking demonstrations on food processing with local food ingredients from Nagari Taruang-Taruang. Participants who took part in this activity consisted of pregnant women, nursing mothers and Posyandu cadres. This activity will create a community mindset about nutritious and balanced food, as well as community understanding of stunting and how to prevent it.
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