Pembuatan Modul Ajar Berbantuan CANVA Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru dalam Menyusun Modul Ajar di SDN 08 Kinari Kecamatan Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok
Teaching Module, Rocky CanvaAbstract
Using Canva as a tool for developing teaching modules can increase teacher creativity, increase student interest in learning, and increase student achievement. This article discusses the creation of Canva's Batuan Teaching Module to improve teachers' abilities in compiling Teaching Modules at SDN 08 Kinari, Bukit Sundi District, Solok Regency. The aim of this service is that teachers as participants are expected to be able to create teaching modules based on Canva as effective and efficient learning tools in the classroom later. The service team guided the teachers at SDN 08 Kinari until they were able to create teaching modules using Canva. The results of this training show the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the teachers at SDN 08 Kinari in creating teaching modules using Canva.
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