Pemberdayaan Anggota Kelompok Tani Sehati Nagari Koto Laweh Kecamatan Lembang Jaya Kabupaten Solok Melalui Pengolahan Tepung Ubi Ungu
Empowerment, Purple Sweet Potato, ProcessingAbstract
Purple sweet potato is a type of sweet potato that has high antioxidants. The purple color of sweet potatoes is caused by natural dyes called anthocyanins. With these advantages, purple sweet potatoes can be processed into purple sweet potato flour. Sweet potato flour has the potential to be used as an ingredient in various processed food preparations, namely as a substitute for wheat flour. One of the farmer groups that has processed purple sweet potatoes is the Sehati farmer group in Nagari Koto Laweh, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. This group has been involved in processing purple sweet potatoes for a long time, but the production scale is still low and the variety of processing is still limited. The aim of this service is to increase the scale of production and diversify the processing of purple sweet potatoes into flour which has the potential to increase profits. The methods used in this service activity are counseling, motivation and discussion about production, processing and participating in making purple sweet potato flour with members of the one heart farmer group in Nagari Koto Laweh, Lembang Jaya District, Solok Regency. As a result of the service activities carried out in this one-hearted farmer group, there has been an increase in the knowledge of members of the one-hearted farmer group regarding processing purple sweet potatoes into flour as well as an increase in the production of processed purple sweet potato products.
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