Pemberdayaan Anggota Kelompok Tani Sehati Nagari Koto Laweh Kabupaten Solok dalam Pembuatan Brownies Panggang Ubi Jalar Ungu
purple sweet potato, anthocyanins, baked brownies, food diversification, value addition, farmer groupAbstract
Agricultural products, often marketed in their raw form, frequently face suboptimal handling and inconsistent quality, resulting in diminished market competitiveness. Technological progress has shifted the focus towards processing and marketing to enhance the overall value of agricultural products. This community service initiative centers around purple sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.), known for their high carbohydrate and anthocyanin content, serving as a potential source of natural antioxidants with various health benefits. This community service project highlights the diverse anthocyanin content in purple sweet potatoes, emphasizing their role as antioxidants with multifaceted health advantages. In West Sumatra, Indonesia, the Sehati farmer group in Nagari Koto Laweh, Kabupaten Solok, cultivates and processes purple sweet potatoes on a household scale. However, challenges such as limited knowledge in making baked purple sweet potato brownies and a lack of equipment hinder innovation in processing. Methods and solutions to address these challenges, providing the Sehati farmer group with new knowledge and innovative techniques for processing purple sweet potatoes into appealing, innovative, delicious, and nutritious baked brownies. The direct involvement of the farmer group in brownie production in Nagari Koto Laweh, Kecamatan Lembang Jaya, Kabupaten Solok, demonstrates the feasibility and potential benefits of this approach. Baked purple sweet potato brownies offer an extended shelf life compared to other cakes, contributing to the preservation of purple sweet potatoes. This effort significantly supports food diversification programs, enhancing the image and value addition of purple sweet potato products. The step-by-step process involves the preparation of ingredients and the baking of brownies, providing an accessible guide for the farmer group. Conclusions drawn from the community service initiative by the Sehati farmer group include positive reception, indicating interest in the development of baked purple sweet potato brownies. Furthermore, processing purple sweet potatoes into baked brownies presents a viable and sustainable business opportunity, addressing both extended shelf life concerns and income enhancement.
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