Pertanian Terpadu Pengelolaan Lingkungan Posko Nagari Binaan UMMY di Nagari Koto Laweh
Tridharma, Community, Integrated AgricultureAbstract
The community service program is a means for universities to implement the third dharma of higher education, namely community service. The program that has been implemented is integrated agricultural development in Nagari Koto Laweh. The form of this program is environmental management by creating gardens at the assisted nagari posts, as well as managing fish ponds that the community can use. This program has short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goal is to provide training to the community to know how integrated agriculture works. Meanwhile, the long-term goal is to create a society rich in knowledge and a society that is strong in the financial and economic sector. The specific target to be achieved through this program is to initially make the people of the Koto Laweh area one of the areas that can be used as an example of integrated agriculture. From the program described above, the methods used to achieve the goals are methods such as training, discussion and questions and answers.
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