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Roses, Ornamental Plants, CommercialAbstract
The rose (Rosa hybrida) is known as the “Prince of Flowers” because of its beauty and fragrance. This article discusses the empowerment of the Dasawisma Nangka XIV group, Laing Village, Solok City, and Cultivating Roses as Commercial Ornamental Plants. Counselling is carried out by providing training and mentoring for members of the Nangka XIV Dasawisma Group, Laing Village, Solok City regarding the cultivation of roses as ornamental plants with economic value. The aim of this service is that participants are expected to be able to cultivate roses as ornamental plants with economic value and gain positive impacts in terms of information, knowledge and skills that can help financially later. The service team provided rose seeds, polybags, fertilizer, soil media and water. The results of this outreach show the enthusiasm and understanding of Dasawisma women who can help financially.
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