PkM Pemasaran Hasil Produksi Propolis Lebah Galo-Galo sebagai Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Perempuan pada Kelompok Wanita Tani di Nagari Koto Laweh, Kabupaten Solok
Galo-galo, women’s farmer groups, marketingAbstract
Trigona bees, which in the regional language are called galo-galo (West Sumatra) and Klanceng, Lenceng (Java), are one of the various local resources that have the potential to be a source of income, thereby improving community welfare. For this reason, community service activities are carried out in terms of marketing the results of the galo-galo bees, which are carried out to the community of the Women's Farmers Group by providing counselling and conducting questions and answers related to marketing which can be carried out either directly, especially to the surrounding community or carried out online using utilize social media and available platforms such as online sales via Shope, Lazada and Tokopedia. So this marketing will become a source of income for the community, especially the Nagari Koto Laweh Farming Women's Group and can be developed into a business for Nagari through the Nagari Owned Enterprise which is often known as Bumnag.
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