Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Dari Limbah Kotoran Sapi di Desa Gubrih, Wringin, Kabupaten Bondowoso
Cow Manure Waste, Liquid Organic FertilizerAbstract
Gubrih village in Wringin District, is located at the northwestern tip of Bondowoso Regency, East Java with an altitude of 482 meters above sea level. The majority of Gubrih villagers work as farmers and ranchers. The average ownership of cattle is 2 heads in each family. Thus, cow dung waste becomes a problem that must be resolved immediately. On the other hand, the need for fertilizer for cultivated plants such as rice, corn, mustard greens or other vegetable crops is often not met. Thus, efforts are made to understand and increase the ability of farmers to utilize cow dung waste into liquid organic fertilizer (cow dung POC) through counseling and training is an effort to solve problems that exist in the village of Gubrih. This community service activity is carried out through collaboration between researchers, KKN students and PPL in the Wringin sub-district. Making POC cow dung is done with the basic ingredients of cow dung mixed with other ingredients. The results of the service show that the farmers of Gubrih village are very enthusiastic about making organic fertilizer from cow dung waste which has been piling up in the yard. The POC generated has become a new source of income in Gubrih village.
Keywords: Cow Manure Waste, Liquid Organic Fertilizer
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