Peningkatan Peran Guru Dalam Memenuhi Kompetensi Siswa Untuk Menghadapi Ujian Kompetensi Keahlian Tahun 2023
Competency, Web programming, database, software engineeringAbstract
In this age full of technology, humans find it easy to run their daily lives with the help of technology, especially web-based applications. A good application can accommodate the needs of its users. The process of making applications requires several skills, including the skills to analyse needs, make designs and apply these to programming languages to produce an application. Vocational high school students, especially software engineering majors, must have these skills to answer these challenges. For students to be able to create applications, teachers who will teach should already have qualified skills to teach to their students so that young developers who can work in the field of information technology are born. The steps can be taken through workshops/training on the use and application of programming languages used in building an application. This activity was carried out at SMK N 3 Pariaman, located on Jl. Siti Manggopoh, Manggung, North Pariaman, Pariaman City. The methods used are lecture, practice, question and answer, discussion and practice using case studies of Expertise Skills Exam questions. The target is that teachers use web-based programming languages, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP, using MYSQL as a data storage medium.
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