Sosialisasi Mengenai Kebersihan Lingkungan Serta Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Canva Bagi Remaja Surau Di Nagari Koto Hilalang
Environmental hygiene, Surau Youth, CanvaAbstract
Environmental hygiene is one important aspect of maintaining health and comfort in a ward, especially in a place of worship. Clean, wholesome places of worship would provide comfort and health not only for the musholla worshippers but also for nearby residents. As our age advances increasingly face the challenges of a more advanced technological age this is a powerful reason for us to be technology-savvy. Information is one of the most important things in the advancement of musholla and the villages unfortunately it is not properly packaged and interesting. This service activity aimed to, one, to remind the importance of keeping clean in musholla's environment, two, to educatd the surau youth on the basic of canva's use as a more attractive and modern media of information. This service was carried out on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at surau tangah Al-Mukhlisin jorong kapondong nagari koto hilalang. As for the results of this activity, this creates awareness of people and surau adolescents about the importance of environmental hygiene and understanding the templates and function of tools in canva and is able to understand how canva applications are used as information media at the society 5.0.
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