Strategy, Development, Women Farmers GroupAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the profile and business development strategy of the Annisa Women Farmers Group (KWT). The research method used was a case study method, sampling using a saturated sample method with 37 respondents. The data analysis techniques used were SWOT and QSPM analysis. The results of the study showed that the business activities carried out by KWT Annisa were compost, tricoderma, KUB chicken farming and horticultural farming. Besed on the results of the SWOT analysis, the Annisa Women Farmers Group (KWT) was in quadrat III trun around with an X-axis point value of -0,125 and Y-axis point value of 0,280, and the results of the QSPM analysis showed that the preferren strategy was to conduct business management training through government support, then work together with related parties to create a sustainable business and carry out marketing by utilizing modern technology so that it can compete with other businesses.
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