PENGARUH PGPR (Plant Growth Promotoring Rhizobacteria) ASAL DARI PERAKARAN PAITAN (Tithonia diversifolia) PADA BAWANG MERAH (Allium ascalonicum L.)
shallots, PGPR, PaitanAbstract
Shallots are a superior vegetable commodity that farmers have cultivated intensive. The research of PGPR paitan root purpose to determine the effect of PGPR from paitan root and obtain the best dose of PGPR paitan root for growth and production of shallots. This research located in Bawah Gunuang, Lembang Jaya District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. The research uses Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 4 groups and 10 plants per treatment. The treatments given were R0 without PGPR from paitan root, R1 50 ml/L PGPR from paitan root, R2 75 ml/L PGPR from paitan root, R3 100 ml/L PGPR from paitan root, R4 125 ml/L PGPR from paitan root and R5 150 ml/L PGPR from paitan root. The results of this research that has been show that the effect of PGPR concentration of paitan roots of shallot plants on the growth and production has no significant effect to all observation. All parameters are plant height, number of leaves, number of bulbs, bulb diameter, fresh weight and production weight.
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