Income, farming, cruciferous rice.Abstract
Nagari Tabek is one of the Nagari that has implemented the crusading rice technology program since 2012, because this area has smooth irrigation, potential paddy fields and a climate suitable for rice cultivation. This research is about comparative analyzes of the income of Crusader and Non-Sapay farmers in Paddy Fields in Nagari Tabek with the aim of comparing the income and profits of the Crusader and Non-Sabu farmers and to find out the problems faced by the farmers in implementing the Crusader program. The research was carried out using the case study method, by taking the case of lowland rice farming that implemented the Lilinu rice technology program with farmers who did not apply the crusader (non-sasaar) in six farmer groups. Of the six groups that did 3x crusading and did not do 1x crusading, a sample of 30 people was determined as a sample (Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling) in the hope of producing a comprehensive picture of the absorption of crusading and non-crossing farming. The results showed that the average income per hectare per season of lowland rice crops in 2016, for the crusader farmer group was IDR 23,508,981.22/Ha and for non-crossed rice farmers it was IDR 20,730,136.88/Ha. The average profit per hectare per paddy rice planting season in 2020, for the crusaders farmer group is Rp. 22,190,271.25/Ha and those who do not carry out the crusades is Rp. 19,334,857.51/Ha. From the results of statistical tests on the income of Crusader and non-Sabu farmers, it shows a significant difference, and the results of statistical tests on the profits of Crusader and non-Sabu farmers show a significant difference. The B/C ratio is obtained from the difference between the receipts of the crusader and the non-crusader, divided by the difference between the input value of the Crusader farmers and the difference between the inputs of the Crusaders. From the calculation results, it is obtained that the B/C ratio of crusading and non-crossing farmers is 7.01, which means that for every additional Rp. 1 the cost of crusading rice farming will be able to increase profits by Rp. kliping is Rp. 4.55, this means that for every additional Rp. 1 the cost of non-crossing farming can increase profits by Rp. 4.55.
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