Performance, Agricultural ExtensionAbstract
The research objectives of the study entitled Performance of Agricultural Extension Officers in Lembang Jaya District, Solok Regency are: (1) To determine the performance of agricultural extension workers in Lembang Jaya District (2) To determine the factors that influence the performance of agricultural extension agents in Lembang Jaya District. This study used a case study research method with a sample of all agricultural extension agents in BPP Lembang Jaya District as many as 9 people and a sample of farmer group members taken using the simple random sampling method of 15%, namely as many as 46 members of the farmer group from the farmer group in Lembang Jaya District, where the class of farmer groups is determined purposively (purposively). The data used consists of primary data and secondary data. The level of performance of agricultural extension workers in Lembang Jaya District, Solok Regency, seen from the three indicators, is classified as quite good with an average rating of 70.42. Factors that affect the performance of agricultural extension agents in Lembang Jaya District as a whole or partially factors of age, education, work experience, distance of residence, infrastructure suggestions and intensity of counseling have no significant effect on the performance of agricultural extension agents in Lembang Jaya District.
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