Benefits, Irrigation, P3AAbstract
Kelurahan IX Korong is one of the sub-districts in Solok City, and has a P3A organization that is quite developed in irrigation and agriculture management systems. In an effort to improve the management of farming business, it is very necessary to support smooth irrigation and the institutional role of farmers who are members of the Water User Farmers Association (P3A). In this area there is a Banda Tangah P3A which has been established since 2003. The P3A is in the Pamujan irrigation area. This location has smooth irrigation, a potential area and a suitable climate for rice crops, but the current total production of lowland rice plants is classified as very low. One of the factors that causes this to happen is due to the non-fluent management of irrigation water so that it cannot support the availability of water in the implementation of rice cultivation. Based on this, a study was conducted on "Analysis of Income Benefits of Irrigation Water for Rice Farmers in Solok City". This study aims to determine the profile of P3A, to determine the economic benefits and social benefits of irrigation water for lowland rice farmers, and to determine the constraints contained in the implementation of P3A Banda Tangah in Solok City. Research has been carried out from November 2020-January 2021 in Solok City. This research was conducted using the case study method with simple random sampling. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data, with a total sample taken of 35 samples of farmers using the Banda Tangah water farmer association in Solok City. The analytical method used in this study is to use a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that the benefits of irrigation water for rice farmers in Banda Tangah in Solok City are Rp. 225,424.5 which is calculated from the cost of sacrifices incurred by farmers. The social benefits obtained for paddy rice farmers are in the form of rituals of rejecting reinforcements and mutual cooperation. The obstacles found in the P3A organization are the poor quality of the water quantity dams, the lack of bookkeeping administration, the lack of knowledge of members and administrators regarding the organization and development of farming, and the lack of agreement between downstream farmers and upstream farmers regarding the division of irrigation water canals.
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