Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Beras dan Tepung Daun Singkong dalam Ransum Burung Puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica) terhadap Performan Awal Produksi
rice flour, cassava leaves, quail, ration consumption, egg productionAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of using rice flour and cassava leaf flour in quail rations on early production performance. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with treatments using rice flour (RF) and cassava leaf flour (CLF) in the ration: P0 (use yellow corn without RF and CLF), P1 (use 57% RF and 5% CLF), P2 (57% RF use and 5,5% CLF), P3 (57% RF use and 6% CLF) and P4 (57% RF use and 6,5% CLF). Each treatment consisted of 3 cage units as replicates and each cage unit was filled with 6 quails. The results showed that the use of RF and CLF in the ration resulted in no significant difference (P>0.05) on ration consumption and egg production, but resulted in a significant difference in the egg yolk color score, where the yolk color score of quail who received a ration containing RF and CLF was significantly lower than the yolk color score of quails that received yellow corn in their rations. It can be concluded: 1) the use of cassava leaf flour up to a level of 6,5% in quail rations that were constant using rice flour of 57% did not produce a difference in ration consumption and egg production but resulted in a lower yolk color score compared to rations using corn yellow, 2) the use of cassava leaf flour to a level of 6,5% in quail rations that are constant using rice flour of 57% cannot replace rations that use yellow corn in terms of the egg yolk color score produced.
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