Implementation, Principles, SRIAbstract
This study, entitled Application of the Principles of Technology System Rice Intensification in Kenagarian Cupak Solok district . The purpose of the study is to investigate and study the level of implementation of the principles of Technology System Rice Intensification ( SRI) and analyze the constraints by farmers in implementing the System Rice Intensification in the area of research and find the solution to solve the problem. The experiment was conducted in Kenagarian Cupak Solok. Time the study was eight (8) months. Method the study is a case study. Sampling is done by simple random sampling, a total sample is 54 people. Data needed primary data and secondary data. Data collected by interview using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The level of application of SRI technology applied to farmers than recommended, then visitscalculated the percentage. Constraints in the implementation described in descriptive terms of social, economic and cultural. The result showed that the application of the principles of a Technology System Rice Intensification the Nagari' Cupak categorized as excellent, It can showed of Total Capaian Respondents (TCR) of 81 percent. For each activity SRI category TCR is as follows: the seedbed 65 percent, including good category, tillage (100%), excellent category, planting (65%), good categories, water treatment (100%), the category of very well, plant maintenance (90%) qualify as very good, and the control of pests and plant diseases (81%) very well chategory. Many technical hurdles experienced by farmers is still a lack of knowledge about the SRI so that farmers difficulties in applying it, the technology is more intensive and differ from conventional crops cause farmers difficulties implementing SRI constraints experienced by farmers is due to more intensive the SRI technology costs and more capital, particularly to pay the wages of labor. In terms of socio-cultural farmers experienced problems causing a lack of socialization SRI farmers are not able to execute well, because farmers do not understand the SRI technology.
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