Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science <p>Mahaputra Journal of Animal Science and biotechnology (MJoAS) adalah jurnal ilmiah bidang peternakan. Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal yang mewadahi publikasi hasil penelitian di bidang peternakan meliputi: Produksi Ternak, Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak, Teknologi Hasil Ternak, kesehatan ternak dan Sosial Ekonomi Peternakan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun oleh Jurusan Peternakan Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin (UMMY) Solok.</p> <p>Mahaputra Journal of Animal and biotechnology (MJoAS) is a scientific journal in the field of animal husbandry. This journal is a journal that accommodates the publication of research results in the field of animal husbandry including: Livestock Production, Animal Nutrition and Food, Livestock Products Technology, livestock health, dairy, and Livestock Socio-Economic. This journal is published twice a year by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin University (UMMY) Solok.</p> en-US (Tri Astuti) (Yulhan) Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 The Effect Of Marination With Red Ginger and Garlic On The Quality Of Beef Jerk <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of marination with red ginger and garlic on the quality of beef jerky by analyzing water content, pH, and total bacterial population. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments: P1 (2% fine salt), P2 (3% red ginger + 2% fine salt), P3 (3% garlic + 2% fine salt), and P4 (1.5% red ginger + 1.5% garlic + 2% fine salt), each with 4 replications. The variables measured included water content, dry matter, pH, and total bacterial population. The water content of the jerky ranged from 17.66% to 18.22%, dry matter ranged from 81.75% to 82.28%, and pH ranged from 5.96 to 6.16. Meanwhile, the total bacterial population ranged from 4.73 to 7.16 log CFU/g. The results showed that marination with red ginger and garlic had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on water content, dry matter, and pH but had a highly significant effect (P&lt;0.01) on the total bacterial population. The best treatment in this study was P3 (garlic), as it resulted in the lowest bacterial population compared to other treatments.</p> Firman Dedi Saputra, Nurhaita Nurhaita, Syahro Ali Akbar, Rica Mega Sari, Dara Surtina, Tri Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE RESISTANCE OF BRAHMAN CROSS CATTLE IN PADANG CITY, WEST SUMATRA <p>The research aims to determine Brahman cross (BX) cattle's heat resistance at the UPT Aia Pacah, Padang, West Sumatra. The research variables were&nbsp;the “Temperature Humidity Index (THI)”, calculated based on changes in environmental temperature and air humidity, and “Heat Resistance”&nbsp;measured according to the Benezra and Rhoad coefficients. The calculation of heat resistance is based on physiological characteristics (body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate). Data was collected twice a day, in the morning and afternoon, on 40 BX cattles. The results of the morning and the afternoon research showed that the average THI was respectively&nbsp;75.5 <u>+</u>&nbsp;2.03 and 82.68 <u>+</u>&nbsp;1.06, the average body temperature was 37.79 <u>+</u>&nbsp;0.27 and 38.28 <u>+ </u>0.29 degrees Celsius, the respiratory rate was 19.04 <u>+</u>&nbsp;1.87 and 25.68 <u>+</u>&nbsp;1.33&nbsp;breaths per minute, the heart rate was 52.80 <u>+</u>&nbsp;6.09 and 59 <u>+</u>&nbsp;5.96 beats&nbsp;per minute, heat resistance Based on the Benezra and Rhoad coefficients, they were 2.35 <u>+</u>&nbsp;0.28 and 96.40 <u>+</u>&nbsp;1.52.&nbsp;The conclusion is that BX cattles&nbsp;kept at the UPT Aia Pacah, Padang is in moderate stress conditions during the day, while the heat resistance of 2.35 is slightly above the normal value of 2 and the Road coefficient is 96.04.</p> Devi Dianti, Fridarti, Syafrizal, Sri Mulyani, Jhon Hendri, Novia Palwa Suryani, Erwin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Biotechnology-Enhanced Poultry Feed: The Potential of Fermented Banana and Cassava Peels as Sustainable Ingredients <p>The use of agricultural waste in poultry diets presents a sustainable solution to reduce feed costs and environmental waste. This study investigates the nutritional enhancement of banana peel flour (TKPF) and cassava peel flour (TKSF) through fermentation. The fermentation process significantly improved the crude protein content and metabolic energy of both by-products, with TKPF showing an increase in protein from 7.08% to 11.25% and metabolic energy from 2010 Kcal/kg to 3072.50 Kcal/kg. Similarly, TKSF exhibited a 30.56% increase in crude protein (from 11.84% to 15.46%) and a 68.5% increase in metabolic energy (from 1310 Kcal/kg to 2210 Kcal/kg). Both fermented products also demonstrated a reduction in crude fiber and anti-nutritional factors, making them more digestible and safer for poultry. The findings suggest that fermented banana and cassava peels can be used as cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional feed ingredients in poultry diets.</p> Hera Dwi Triani, Gusri Yanti, Resolinda Harly, M.Amri Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 COMPARISON PROFIT BUSINESS CATTLE CHICKEN CLOSED HOUSE AND OPEN HOUSE CAGE LAYERS (CASE STUDY IN PAYAKUMBUH ) <p><em>Research This was carried out in the Closed House Taram Farm enclosure located in Jorong Sipatai, Bukik Limbuku, Harau District, Limapuluh Kota Regency and the Open House Sari Farm which is located on Jalan Belubus, Bukit Apik, Kenagarian Sungai Talang, Guguak District, Limapuluh Regency City, the two layer chicken coops are</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>under the auspices of PT Agung Abadi Putra</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Mandiri (AAPM). The</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>purpose of this research is to</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>find out costs, revenues, profits,</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>and to find out the comparison of profits in closed house and open house at PT Agung Abadi Putra Mandiri. The research method used is a case study method with a quantitative approach. The data used is primary data obtained from interviews, and</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>secondary</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>data obtained</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>from</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>government agencies</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>and</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>company</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>agencies as well as literature relevant to this research.</em></p> <p><em>The results of research during one period showed that mortality in Close House cages was 0.07 while Open House was 0.08. The calculation of the economic aspects of the Close House cage. Total production costs Rp. 17,934,489,876, receipts Rp. 24,734,338,525, and income Rp. 6,799,848,649. and for Open House cages Total production costs Rp. 16,357,916,976. Revenue IDR 21,817,412,685 and income IDR. 5,459,495,709.</em></p> <p><em>Close House cages have higher profits than Open House cages. With a</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>population of 38,000 individuals, there is a difference of Rp. 663,590,752 in the closed house cage, the profit is Rp. 6,123,086,461, while in the open house cage</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>it is Rp. 5,459,495,709 The results show that layer chickens kept in Closed House cages show very good production performance while those in Open House cages show good production performance</em></p> Rudy Kusuma, Rahmat Fajri, Erwin Erwin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 CHARACTERISTICS OF RUMEN FERMENTATION WITH FEED FORMULATION USING MOLASSES IN-VITRO <p>This study aims to determine the effect of molasses use in ruminant livestock rations on rumen fluid characteristics in vitro. This study was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design experimental method with 3 treatments and 5 replications, the treatments consisted of: P0 = Ration formulation without molasses use, P1 = Ration formulation with 3% molasses use, P2 = Ration formulation with 6% molasses use. The variables observed were pH value, NH3 production and rumen fluid VFA production. The results of the study for pH value obtained P0 = 6.98; P1 = 6.94; P2 = 6.89. NH3 production P0 = 10.02 mg / 100ml; P1 = 10.89 mg / 100ml; P2 = 11.42 mg / 100ml and VFA production P0 = 104.00 mM; P1 = 120.00 mM; P2 = 130.00 mM. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the use of molasses in the ruminant livestock ration formula had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the pH, and had a significant effect (P&lt;0.05) on the production of NH3 and VFA in the rumen in vitro. Where the use of molasses up to 6% in the ration formulation can increase NH3 production, VFA production and maintain the pH value of the rumen fluid.</p> Y. M. Sari, Rica Mega Sari, Nurhaita Nurhaita, D. Surtina, Tri Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800