Jurnal ADVANCED http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced <p>Jurnal Advanced merupakan jurnal yang mempublish artikel-artikel ilmiah di bidang ekonomi yang berkontribusi untuk perkembangan dan disiplin ilmu manajemen, akuntansi dan sistem informasi dengan berbagai topik: Sumber daya manusia di privat dan sektor publik, Manajemen keuangan, Sistem informasi manajemen privat dan sektor publik, Sistem informasi akuntansi privat dan sektor publik, Manajemen pemasaran di privat sektor, Kebijakan publik, Keuangan daerah dan negara, Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) dan Kewirausahaan</p> Fakultas Ekonomi UMMY Solok en-US Jurnal ADVANCED 3021-8845 Pengaruh Fasilitas Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Puskesmas Tanah Garam Kota Solok http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced/article/view/324 <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of facilities and work environment on employee performance at Tanah Garam Public Health Center, Solok City. The sample in this study was 65 employees of Tanah Garam Public Health Center in Solok City using purposive sampling method. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it can be concluded that partial facilities have a significant effect on employee performance, this is evidenced by using the t-test with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 and the t-count value is 3.934 &gt; 1.999. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it can be concluded that the work environment partially affects employee performance. This is evidenced by using the t test with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 and the value of tcount is 5.169 &gt; ttable 1.999. Simultaneously facilities and work environment affect employee performance. This is evidenced by using the f test with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; from sig 0.05 and the value of fcount is 84,119&gt; ftable 3,15. This can also be seen from the R Squere value of 0.731 or 73.1% and is influenced by other variables that have not been studied by 26.9%, and based on the results of the multiple regression analysis, the equation: Y=6.482+0.390X1+ 0.471X2+ e</p> Angga Prihastaka Dirjas Nurhayati Nurhayati Netti Indrawati Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal ADVANCED 2022-12-28 2022-12-28 16 2 1 10 Pengaruh Latar Belakang Pendidikan Dan Pengalaman Kerja Terhadap Etos Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Pendidikan Kota Solok http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced/article/view/264 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of educational background and work experience on the work ethic of government employees of the Solok City Education Authorities. The sample in this study were 42 respondents based on gender, age, and level of education.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the analysis, it is obtained Y = 32.365 + 2.138 X1 + 1.831 X2 + e and t-tests 3.230 and 3.584, which means that the educational background variable affects the work ethic of government employees. The work experience has an effect on government employee work ethic. Judging from the R Square value of 0.605, which means that educational background and work experience have an effect of 60.5% on the work ethic of government employees at the education authorities of Solok City, 39.5% is influenced by other variables which is not examined in this study. From the analysis of the f-test, the value of f count is 29.836 &gt; f table 3.23, which means that both educational background and work experience have an effect on the government employee's work ethic.</em></p> Riri Hayati Netti Indrawati Arfimasri Arfimasri Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal ADVANCED 2022-12-28 2022-12-28 16 2 11 23 Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced/article/view/245 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 42 responden yang mengajar di SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan diperoleh Y = 5.309 + 0.263X<sub>1</sub> + 0.274X<sub>2</sub> + 0.321X<sub>3</sub> + e dan uji t 2.081, 2.063, dan 2.095 yang artinya bahwa variabel Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok, Variabel Lingkungan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok dan Variabel Kecerdasan Emosional berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok. Dilihat dari nilai R Square 0.590 yang artinya Budaya Organisasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Kecerdasan Emosional berpengaruh sebesar 59% terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok dan 41% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Dari analisis uji f nilai f<sub>hitung </sub>adalah 18.262 &gt; f<sub>tabel </sub>2.85 yang artinya bahwa Budaya Organisasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Kecerdasan Emosional secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA N 1 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok.</p> Soni Ardeski Ida Nirwana Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal ADVANCED 2022-12-28 2022-12-28 16 2 24 39 PENGARUH LIKUIDITAS, PROFITABILITAS, DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM PADA PERUSAHAAN PERDAGANGAN BESAR YANG TERDAFTAR PADA BURSA EFEK INDONESIA (BEI) PERIODE 2018-2020 http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced/article/view/261 <p>Stock prices are prices that occur on the stock market at a certain time determined by market participants and determined by the demand and supply of the shares concerned in the capital market. The share price is the present value of the income that will be received by investors in the future. Stock prices can change up and down in a matter of time so quickly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of liquidity, profitability and leverage on stock prices. The object of this study is a large trading company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as many as 20 samples of companies obtained after using a sampling technique, namely purposive sampling. The type of data in this study is quantitative. Sources of data used are secondary data derived from the company's financial statements for a period of 3 years. Based on the results of the multiple linear regression analysis carried out, it was obtained that Y= 7,447 – 0,045X1 + 0,036X2 - 0,219X3 + e This means that liquidity has a significant negative (-) effect on stock prices, profitability has a significant positive (+) effect on prices. stocks and leverage have a negative (-) effect on stock prices. The results of the f test obtained that the fcalculated is 5,436 &gt;ftable 2.79 means that liquidity, profitability, and leverage have a significant effect on stock prices in large trading companies listed on the IDX.</p> Ranni Putri Ananda Seflidiana Roza Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal ADVANCED 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 16 2 40 55 Pengaruh Kualitas Internet dan Ketepatan Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. CinoxMedia Network Indonesia Kota Solok) http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced/article/view/237 <p><em>This study aims to see the Effect of Internet Quality and Service Accuracy on Employee Satisfaction at PT. CinoxMedia Network Indonesia City Solok. the type of research used is correlative descriptive research. Descriptive correlatives are a research method that aims to see the relationship between two or more variables. The influencing variable is an independent variable (X), while the variable affected by the independent variable is called the dependent variable (Y). Based on the results of the study obtained a multiple linear regression equation is Y = 36.571 +0.008X1 +0.225X2 +e The value of the constant is 36.571. The results of the study determined with Rsquare of 0.057 or 5.7%. H1 is received with a calculated value of 0.053 &lt; ttabel of 2.026 and a signification value greater than α 0.05 (0.958 &gt; 0.05), H2 is received with a calculated value of 1.485 &lt; a table of 2.026 and a signification value greater than α 0.05 (0.146 &gt; 0.05). H3 did not have a significant and simultaneous influence together on employee satisfaction with a calculated F value of 1.115 &lt; Ftabel of 3.24 and a signification value of 0.339 &gt; 0.05.</em></p> rakes putra Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal ADVANCED 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 16 2 56 69 Pengaruh DER, ROE dan Nilai Tukar terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Tahun 2017-2020 http://ojs.ummy.ac.id/index.php/advanced/article/view/219 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh DER, ROE dan Nilai Tukar<br>terhadap Return SahamPerusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur dengan sampel sebanyak<br>18 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan metode Purposive<br>Sampling tahun 2017-2020.Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik, dapat disimpulkan<br>bahwa DER secara parsial tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Return<br>Saham Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur yang diteliti. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan<br>menggunakan uji t dengan nilai signifikan 0,435 &gt; 0,05 dan nilai thitung -0,788&lt;<br>ttabel 1,681. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa DER tidak berpengaruh signifikan<br>terhadap Return Saham. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dapat disimpulkan bahwa<br>ROE secara parsial tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Return Saham<br>Perusahaan Sektor Infrastruktur. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan menggunakan uji t<br>dengan nilai signifikan 0,287 &gt; 0,05 dan nilai thitung 1,077 &lt; ttabel 1,681. Dapat<br>disimpulkan bahwa ROE tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return Saham.<br>Berdasarkan analisis statistik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Nilai Tukar tidak<br>berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Sektor<br>Infrastruktur. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai signifikan 0,200 &gt; 0,05 dan nilai<br>thitung -1,302 &lt; ttabel 1,681. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Nilai Tukar tidak<br>berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return Saham. Secara simultan DER, ROE dan<br>Nilai Tukar tidak berpengaruh terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Sektor<br>Infrastruktur yang diteliti. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan menggunakan uji F dengan<br>nilai signifikan 0,319 &gt; 0,05 dan nilai 1,206 &lt; Ftabel 2,83. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari<br>nilai R Square sebesar 0,079 atau 7,9% dan dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel<br>lain yang belum diteliti sebesar 92,1%. Kata Kunci : DER, ROE, Nilai Tukar dan Return Saham.</p> FITRA RAMADHANIAH FITRA Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal ADVANCED 2023-03-28 2023-03-28 16 2 70 87